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001100_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Wed Oct 18 18:37:44 1995.msg
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Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:27:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Gross <jgross@netcom.com>
Subject: RE: Questions about ScreamerNet II
To: Ken VanBrocklin <kvanbroc@ATK.COM>
Cc: Lightwave <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
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> I have been setting up ScreamerNet II at work here. It seems to work OK,
> but the problem I am having is I have to re-save all objects and images to
> match the shared drive letter. eg. I share my C:\Newtek drive on the
> network. I then mount the drive as G:\ on the remote machine. When I render
> a scene I get nothing. So I mount the drive I am shareing back on the
> machine I am shareing from as G: and re-save everything so the path on the
> objects is now G:\ect rather than C:\ect.
> Anyway, I was wondering how other people have ScreamerNet setup, and how
> you name your network drives.
Now you know why there is a COntent Directory structure to LightWave. The
whole key to the Content Directory (Options panel) is to make the scene
file paths *relative*. This way, your scene file never should contain
drive letters, but rather... "Objects\test\object" (as opposed to
G:\Newtek\Objects\Test\object". Your content drive can be mapped as
anything on the SN nodes as long as each individual coinfig file found by
the LWSN program points to the correct location for the COntent Dir. Of
course it helps to map all node machines using the same letter for the
content drive so you only have to worry about one version of the config file.
Of course, the smart way is to have the LWSN program on a shared drive on
a server and then have each machine run it from there with a different
argument to name the machine. Read the ScreamerNEt section of the Layout
User guide for better instructions.
John Gross <jgross@netcom.com> sent this message.
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